Eden Ethernal Inter/indo Bot (SkyBot)

Eden Eternal Bot

Akhirnya Skybot telah merilis Bot terbaru untuk game eden ethernal yang dapat digunakan dalam server lokal maupun global. buat agan agan yang pengen nyoba main game tanpa perlu mencet mencet keyboard, anda berada di blog yang tepat_^

- 4 attack skills
- 2 initial attack skills; Options to Alternate and/or Wait
- 1 alternate skill; Option to use when ready or on a timer; Option to use only outside of combat
- 5 buffs; Option to use when ready or on a timer
- use 2 initial skills to start attacks with certain skills
- detects when a skill can or cannot be used; only attempts to use a skill when available
-No Spawn 
- zero delay between actions
- finds targets quickly
- finds new target when unable to reach current target
- will not target or attack party boss monsters
- 4 heal skills
- 2 mana skills
- 1 sit skill
- use any combination of potions/skills/sit with sliders for each setting
- will wait to sit if below sit level while in combat. will return to combat if attacked while sitting
- awesome heal skill settings for healer classes!
- set up to 9 waypoints to use in the Patrol function
- patrol each waypoint for a set amount of time before moving to the next
- patrol within a given radius of each waypoint
- patrol uses Eden Eternal's built in auto-route feature to move your character anywhere on the map
- control the transparency of both Skybot windows
- drag the transparent Skybot windows around over the Eden Eternal window
- hide and show each window separately
- the status window displays the action Skybot is currently taking, plus target and waypoint information
+ More to come!

Langsung aja Gan downlke Link ini yua ^_^ :

Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Eden Ethernal Inter/indo Bot (SkyBot) ini dipublish oleh Unknown pada hari Minggu, 30 Desember 2012. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Eden Ethernal Inter/indo Bot (SkyBot)

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